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Centre for Positive Ageing

Embrace your ageing experience, regardless of circumstances, and live life to the full. You’ll find the services you need through our Centre for Positive Ageing.


Age well with our positive ageing services

At the Centre for Positive Ageing, our teams work together to help you enhance your ageing experience, despite the challenges that ageing may bring.

Whatever your circumstances, we can help you make the most of every day. Our teams include:

  • GP Clinic a team of GPs and practice nurses with expertise in the clinical and social needs of older people, operating onsite at the Centre for Positive Ageing.
  • Restorative Care Team  experienced allied health professionals and assistants who deliver home and centre-based restorative care programs.
  • Arts Engagement Team artists who manage thriving arts programs and develop resources for people living in residential care or hospitals. Unique to HammondCare.
  • Research Team ensuring everything we do is based on the best advice and knowledge.
ageing services

Why choose our positive ageing services?

Growing older can be a wonderful experience, but it can also have challenges, such as the loss of loved ones, chronic illness and isolation. That’s why our programs help put the positive back into ageing!

Putting ‘you’ first

It’s a time of life to go back to basics and focus on your personal health and wellness needs.

Staying healthy

Improve your overall health and nutrition with your own healthy meal plan.

Video call
Finding support

Find answers to your questions about living well in a way that works for you.

Social support
Be social

Connect with other people like you, while engaging in fun, uplifting activities.

Getting active

Learn practical skills to stay active, mobile and healthy during your older age.

Helping you improve daily living

Our programs improve your quality of life and promote independence. Enjoy one-on-one or group sessions delivered by qualified healthcare workers from the Centre for Positive Ageing.

GP Clinic

As a team of GPs and practice nurses, we’re onsite at the Medical General Practice Clinic at 4 Spicer Avenue, Hammondville. Our team is focused on care and positive ageing support for aged care and independent living residents at HammondCare Hammondville, as well as from the community.

Get in touch at (02) 8788 3900.

Restorative Care Team

We’re an experienced team of occupational therapists, physiotherapists, dieticians, exercise physiologists and allied health assistants delivering home-based, one-on-one and centre-based group restorative care programs. Care is available to people funded through Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC), Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) or those who have a Home Care Package (HCP). Our services are available across most of greater Sydney, where we are one of the largest providers and parts of Melbourne.

The STRC program involves an eight-week, personalised program that’s provided one-to-one in your home or a community setting, such as a local gym. Your tailored therapy team will help you set goals and work with you to improve the performance of daily tasks, making living at home more enjoyable and comfortable. A dedicated care coordinator, who is an experienced allied health professional, will help arrange your care. Our team also delivers a range of social and engaging exercise and arts groups for residents of all abilities and interests at Hammondville, South West Sydney. We are always open to new ideas for groups!

  • Exercise groups include:
  • Aquatics
  • Walking
  • Gentle exercise
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Stretch and Strengthen

  • Arts groups include:
  • Visual arts, such as acrylic painting and sketching
  • Stories in Action
  • Drama and dance
  • Music groups, such as drumming

You may be eligible to access STRC services if you’re 65 years or older, or otherwise eligible for Commonwealth-funded aged care services. Find information about your funding options at the My Aged Care website.

If you are already receiving a Home Care Package, you can receive similar allied health programs through your package.

Contact us to learn more about our restorative care programs or groups, your funding options, or to make a referral.

Arts Engagement Team

Arts engagement, a unique addition to our restorative care team, began as a research project at our Centre for Positive Ageing. The team initially developed Arts on Prescription for people living with unmet wellbeing needs. It has grown to become a team of artists delivering a variety of arts programs and developing resources for people living in residential care, as well as arts engagement programs for people in hospital.

With HammondCare Foundation funding support, we have recently launched our refreshed Arts Engagement in Hospitals program for patients at Greenwich, Braeside and Neringah Hospitals. Residents of our Wahroonga and Darlinghurst care homes are able to access the Arts Engagement in Residential program.

Experienced artists work with you to explore your creativity and learn new skills. This fun, engaging and practical program focuses on health and wellness needs through a range of art forms including:

  • Painting
  • Visual arts
  • Theatre and drama
  • Photography
  • Music
  • Writing
  • Dance


All sessions are led by experienced artists and include community arts programs and workshops for small groups or one-on-one at home. Our specialty lies in programs for people living with dementia and their carers, as well as tailor-made programs in hospitals, care homes and community centres.

These art services are available to any older person who is experiencing health challenges or who has unmet wellbeing needs. If you have funding under the Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) Program, Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) or a Home Care Package with HammondCare, you can use your budget to cover the costs.

Scroll down to contact us to learn more about our arts engagement programs and groups, funding options, or to make a referral.

Positive Ageing Research Team

The research team supports our clinical services as we strive to implement the best evidence for best practice. Research projects include evaluating HammondCare’s Darlinghurst care home for older people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, as well as our Arts on Prescription@Home program. The team has also developed evidence-informed guidelines to help people living with dementia maintain their independence and functional ability for longer.

Contact us to learn more about our research.

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Have questions about positive ageing?

To find out more about ageing well, please get in touch with the Centre for Positive Ageing.



Speak to a friendly member of the Positive Ageing team. Ring us now, we’re here to help!

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Online enquiry

For non-urgent matters, feel free to write to us by email. We’ll review and respond to your query as soon as possible.