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  • Volunteering
  • 27 June 2023

Volunteers supporting you in your local community

Volunteer support provides companionship, and helps people engage more with their community. This free service focuses on clients’ unique interests and passions. We’ll pair you with a suitable volunteer within the local area who understands your individual needs and lifestyle.

Did you know?

HammondCare’s volunteer support service is complimentary and an exclusive benefit in addition to the services we offer as part of your Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) funding. There are no out of pocket expenses to worry about. We will match you with a volunteer who shares the same interests as you – it could be cooking, gardening, shopping, walks on the beach or a visit to an art gallery, just to name a few ways volunteers can help. Please ask your Care Manager; they can arrange a volunteer to match your lifestyle choices and passions. You can contact us anytime 24/7 on 1800 826 166


Watch our volunteer video