HammondCare Resource Hub

Virtual technology bringing healthcare into remote homes of older Australians

Written by HammondCare | Dec 6, 2022 5:57:51 AM

Older Australians on home care packages living in regional and remote areas of NSW are having their quality of life improved through a successful trial of virtual technology to provide faster direct access to allied health professionals.

The HammondCare Restorative Care team has developed its Virtual Restorative Care (VRC) program to link home care clients -- who struggle with access to face-to-face consultations -- to occupational therapists, dieticians, physiotherapy and physiology consultations.

HammondCare Health and Palliative Care General Manager Andrew Montague said the VRC program was developed after recognising HammondCare At Home clients in regional and remote locations were disadvantaged.

“The Restorative Care Team recognised there was a problem with these clients having access to timely, affordable and high-quality allied health services,” Dr Montague said.

“This is a case of innovative thinking that is improving the quality of life for disadvantaged people with health needs.”

Through the VRC program, a client consultation is completed via a virtual platform, a simple tablet or mobile phone, by an experienced allied health professional in the Restorative Care Team.

During the consult, the client is aided in their own home by the presence of their care manager, who can assist in navigating technology or complete required measurements for home modifications.

The innovative VRC program was recognised as a finalist earlier this month in the innovAGEING National Awards.

An evaluation of the program demonstrated that 82 per cent of high priority occupational therapist referrals, and 100 per cent of high priority dietetics referrals, were assessed within two weeks. This is a large improvement on the wait time of six weeks for a face-to-face assessment in remote regions.

Client feedback indicated 87 per cent of those surveyed reported being very satisfied or satisfied with the service and 85 per cent would recommend it to others.

Restorative Care Team Operations Manager Angela Collins said the regional and remote clients faced extended wait times to access allied health compared to their metropolitan counterparts.

They also faced much higher costs to access this care due to travel expenses.
Ms Collins said: “These clients now have choice about how they received expert in-home care – face-to-face in person or by technology.”

“By providing an alternative affordable method of service delivery, clients can utilise their home care package funds for other needs (services, equipment and home modifications) as required.”

Clinicians utilised existing technology infrastructure and virtual platforms while the care managers supporting clients utilised a simple tablet or mobile phone to conduct the sessions. There was no requirement for the client to have access to their own device or high-speed internet connection.

At present, occupational therapy and dietician services are available across Western NSW & Far West NSW with other regions being developed.

People don’t need to be a HammondCare At Home client to access the VRC Service. It can be available to anyone on a Home Care Package. To find out more, please contact the Team on 02 8788 3940 or via email at restorativecare_enquiries@hammond.com.au.