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Recipes Aged Care
  • Dementia
  • Blog

The Little Celebration Cookbook

At Christmas, families join together to share food, love and togetherness. If you have someone at your festive table who lives with dementia, or has difficulty with eating and swallowing, you may be concerned about their ability to join in and enjoy this meaningful experience. Perhaps they can’t manage cutlery anymore or need soft textures.

We have compiled a few festive recipes that the whole family can enjoy together, to help you celebrate a dementia-inclusive Christmas. The recipes are drawn from our much-loved cookbooks, Don’t Give Me Eggs That Bounce, It’s All About the Food Not the Fork and Lobster for Josino, which celebrate the enjoyment of fabulous food, at all stages of life.

If you'd like to learn more about nutritional considerations for people living with dementia and some ways to support them, read our new blog post by Sarah Brown, HammondCare's Head of Food Culture: 'Nutritional strategies for people living with dementia'