A new multi-level aged care home for frail aged residents opened today in Sydney's south widens the range of accommodation options at HammondCare's Miranda site.
The $25 million Miranda Mason addresses demand for residential frail aged care from the adjacent HammondGrove Independent Living Units as well as across the Sutherland Shire and surrounding areas.
With the opening of Miranda Mason, HammondCare will provide a variety of aged care options at the Kiama Road site including frail aged care as well as dementia-specific residential care, independent living units and respite cottage places.
The innovative design by architect Peter Ireland from Allen Jack+Cottier offers generous, sweeping balcony spaces linking living areas to the end sitting rooms.
The 60 beds in Miranda Mason will be provided in 6 apartments of 10 residents to maximise care and offer a homelike atmosphere. All bedrooms have ensuites. Two apartments are on each floor.
The apartments are designed around HammondCare’s world-class cottage model of design with a central domestic kitchen, front door and lift front porch.
HammondCare CEO Mike Baird opened the new service alongside with Federal Member for Cook Scott Morrison, Sutherland Mayor Councillor Carmelo Pesce and Sutherland Deputy Mayor Councillor Carol Provan.
Mr Baird said Miranda Mason’s wonderful design will be complemented by the relationship-based care provided to residents.
“Miranda Mason is part of HammondCare’s ambition to set the global standard of relationship-based care, for people with complex needs,” Mr Baird said.
Mr Morrison said HammondCare Mason would be a welcome boost to aged care options available to older people in his electorate of Cook.
“HammondCare has been a trusted provider of aged care services in our community for many years and I am pleased that they are extending their commitment here in the Shire,” Mr Morrison said.
Mayor Pesce said HammondCare Miranda Mason will extend the opportunities for people to stay connected to their local community while receiving specialised residential support.

“Sutherland Shire Council is keenly focused on supporting local residents to remain connected and engaged members of our community – no matter their stage of life,” he said.
“These facilities expand the opportunities on offer for people with frail aged care needs to stay close to family, friends and connected to our local community while receiving the specialised residential support they require.”
Main entry and community facilities are located on the ground floor with near level access from the Kiama Road end of the internal road, along a dock and basement car parking for 27 vehicles.
The ground floor will contain a general store, multipurpose room and recreational space. The building is equipped with a “green roof” featuring solar panels.
Miranda Mason, completed by Total Constructions, is the final stage of a masterplan for the site which began with the opening of 92 dementia-specific residential aged care beds in 2012.
The first residents are expected to move into Miranda Mason next month.