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Resources about grief or end of life care

A collection of resources for those experiencing grief, or supporting someone who is grieving.

Bereavement: Practical matters

From arranging a funeral, legal matters, ashes and belongings - this guide will take you through the many practical matters that need to be tended to following the death of a family member or friend.

Who to Notify Checklist

There are often many tasks that need to be completed after the death of a friend or family member. Many people find it difficult to know where to start. This checklist has been created to help you prioritise the organisations you may need to notify and to keep track of your progress.

Bereavement: Understanding grief

What is grief and what can you expect in response to grief? This guide provides a range of information on what to expect following a bereavement.

Bereavement: the first twelve months and beyond

This booklet has been designed to include a range of information which may be of use to you and your family and friends. Understanding what may be happening for you in your bereavement will not necessarily lessen your pain but it can help you to manage better.s.

Bereavement Support Services

Many people experience a range of emotional, practical and social challenges following the death of a family member or friend. Our Bereavement Counselling service provides opportunities to explore the impacts of grief and to identify ways of coping as well as possible.

Children and grief: information for parents

A death in the family? A child's response may be different from an adults. This guide discusses what you can do to help a child understand death - from developmental understanding and responses to helping the child through grief.

Supporting someone living with dementia

Understanding grief and adapting to bereavement can pose unique challenges for a person who is living with dementia. This guide provides information on how to help somebody living with dementia when someone close to them has died.

Grief: Coping with anniversaries, religious celebrations and special occasions

This guide will provide practical advice on how to prepare for anniversaries, religious celebrations and special occasions which are often a difficult time during bereavement.

At the End of Life occasions

It is almost impossible to completely prepare for the death of a relative or friend. It can however be a little easier if you know some of what to expect and understand how you may be able to help. This brochure helps to advise and inform of how to plan and prepare