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Expert international speakers to challenge current and future dementia practice at IDC2024

Written by HammondCare | Apr 17, 2024 6:54:24 AM

Expert international practitioners pushing the boundaries of dementia practice, research and positive ageing will join local industry leaders and people with powerful stories of lived experience will feature at the 2024 International Dementia Conference.

“This year's theme of “In the Arena” speaks to the issues in the spotlight and the thorny topics we will pick apart, including dementia stereotypes in the media, sexuality in residential aged care and the role of palliative care,” said Angela Raguz, General Manager, The Dementia Centre.

ABC journalist and author Leigh Sales will MC the two-day Sydney conference taking place on the 5-6 September, which is aimed particularly at people involved in supporting and delivering complex dementia support services. Early bird registrations are now open for the flagship event to be held at the Hilton Sydney.

“This year’s IDC will bring together health professionals, researchers, advocates and those with lived experience who are all dedicated to improving the lives of people living with dementia."

“All are working together to address the myriad of issues facing an ever-increasing number of people in an ageing society,” Angela Raguz said.

“People like sexologist and psychologist Dr Nathalie Huitema, who specialises in the intersection of sexuality, ageing and consent, and has pioneered diverse sexuality training programs for long-term care.”

Ms Raguz said IDC2024 organisers were pleased to have secured Dr Michael Mosley, a leading BBC medial and science journalist and producer, to speak on the critical role of sleep in dementia risk reduction.

“Michael has produced and presented ground-breaking medical science series for the BBC and his gift is to communicate expert knowledge from complex areas in an engaging and accessible fashion,” she said.

Dr Mosley will lead his conference session remotely, from the UK.

This year’s IDC, organised by The Dementia Centre, has over 50 papers and will feature 12 international speakers, from Canada, the UK, Ireland, Taiwan, Singapore, the US, New Zealand and Uganda.

The leading not-for-profit aged care services provider HammondCare established The Dementia Centre almost 30 years ago to provide research, education and consultancy in complex dementia care, in collaboration with research organisations around the globe.

This year, Dr Tom Russ, Director of Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Research Centre, brings news of the latest developments across this fast-moving field, including updates on promising new clinical approaches and treatments.

Other international experts and practitioners who will lead sessions at IDC2024 include University of Toronto professor Dr Samir Sinha, a leading Canadian expert on geriatric care, and Dr Nathan Davies, director of the Centre for Ageing Population Studies at University College London.

Dr Davies, an internationally acknowledged expert on palliative dementia care, will lead sessions on new palliative dementia care techniques and the vexed question of palliative care in an age of voluntary assisted dying and what this means for people with dementia who, in Australia, can not access this program.

Dr Sinha will lead a conference session on the pressing need for change in aged care policy and regulation in Canada, a system that bears many similarities to Australia’s.

The International Dementia Conference is a biennial event, strongly supported by people engaged in dementia care, research and policy.