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Healthcare Professional
  • Research
  • 13 December 2022

Evaluating reablement programs

Supporting people living with dementia through reablement.

Practitioner Guide


This assessment guide is designed to be used by allied health practitioners who are delivering reablement programs to individuals living with dementia. The guide provides a structured approach to evaluating meaningful reablement program outcomes for the person living with dementia.

It involves three stages:

  1. Choosing therapy goals with clients using newly developed Reablement Goal Lists
  2. Defining these goals using a new dementia-specific adaptation of the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) Framework
  3. Scoring using the Gas-Light adaptation of Goal Attainment Scaling to record and evaluate program outcomes



Client Workbook


This client workbook provides a summary of the practical content from the practitioner guide and is intended to be used ‘in the field’ as a workbook for allied health practitioners to use with individual clients.

If you have a client starting a new reablement program, print off a copy of this client workbook and work through it to guide goal setting by reviewing the relevant Reablement Goal Lists with your client. Once goals have been mutually agreed, practitioners can use the SMART Framework to define the goals ‘SMART’ly, and then apply GAS-Light to evaluate meaningful program outcomes.

Also included is a worksheet for your client to keep, which records their goals and reablement plan.

