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Healthcare Professional
  • Research
  • 13 December 2022

Designing and delivering reablement programs

Endeavouring to bridge the gap between research and practice, these three publications draw on the research evidence on reablement in dementia to provide practical and evidence-informed reablement programs.

Technical Guide Second Edition


The technical guide contains the most detailed outline of the reablement interventions.

It is targeted at the health professional planning or implementing a reablement service and any person who wants to read a fuller account of the research findings, learn more about a specific reablement program, or identify the original research projects and protocols from which the interventions were derived.



Sector Handbook Second Edition


The sector handbook is written primarily for aged care and service providers, allied health and nursing professionals, managers and care workers.

People living with dementia and their carers or support persons may also find the handbook useful.

The sector handbook presents the information detailed in the technical guide in a more accessible and summarised manner, focusing on the practical delivery of reablement programs.



Consumer Booklet Second Edition

Consumer-Booklet-Second-Edition-ReablementThis booklet is primarily for the person living with dementia, but is also an overview for family carers, support persons and care workers.





