Our unwavering commitment to our Mission has been rewarded with a strengthening financial position after the difficult post-pandemic period.
As seen in the Financial and Operational Insights sections of the Annual Report 2024, we have returned to net surplus while continuing to invest in high quality care to ensure even greater impact in the future.
Our new CEO, Andrew Thorburn, appointed in June 2024, has energetically taken up the challenge of developing our new Next Chapter Strategy, building on this solid platform. We are very grateful that Andrew has joined us, both for his extensive leadership experience across the banking and social impact sectors, but also for his strong affinity with our Mission, and our identity as an independent Christian charity.
As a Board, we are also deeply appreciative of outgoing CEO Mike Baird’s contribution over four years which not only provided great leadership for HammondCare, but for the aged care and health sectors. We are grateful also for the incredible HammondCare team, for providing the stability needed when caring for society’s most vulnerable and contributing towards a smooth CEO transition.
HammondCare continues to grow rapidly and we are especially mindful of the importance of embedding our Mission, Motivation and Mission in Action so they remain vibrant and active, even as our team and services grow.
We have been pleased to participate again in the annual Mission Celebration, with the Bob Hammond Address this year from Rev Tim Costello, which was a powerful opportunity for refreshing Mission in each of our hearts and minds.
As well, General Manager of Pastoral Care, Steve Calder, has released monthly Mission Moment resources that help us all better understand our Mission statement and Mission in Action, connecting them to the words and actions of Jesus – our Motivation.
As mentioned, we are deep into consultation for and development of our next strategy. This is an important exercise as we consider how HammondCare can best fulfil God’s calling to serve, as the sector’s dynamics and environment change. I look forward to seeing its implementation and impact in coming years.
Thank you to my fellow Directors for another year of outstanding service, in particular retiring Director Dr Annette Britton who has made such a significant contribution during her nine years and who continues to chair HammondCare’s Medical Appointments and Advisory Committee. It was a privilege to welcome two new Directors this year, Dr Joanne Lewis and Peter Bailey, whose input we already appreciate.
Let me thank again our CEO and Leadership Team, the broader leadership group, and every team member across HammondCare, with special thanks to our direct care teams for the personal difference they make in people’s lives every day,
Thank you also to our volunteers and volunteer leaders, along with our donors and supporters, who remind us every day that HammondCare would never have begun, and could not continue as strongly, without those who give generously of time and resources.
In all of this, we are thankful for the mercy and kindness of God who loves each one of us, without which none of what we do is possible. We continue to pray for HammondCare, the people who need our help, and all who work for, volunteer and support this remarkable organisation.
Yours in Christ,

Kok Kong Chan
Board Chair