Palliative and end-of-life care research
The Palliative Centre’s research aims to improve quality of life, wellbeing and communication with people living with life-limiting illness and their families.
Palliative and end-of-life care research
The Palliative Centre’s research aims to improve quality of life, wellbeing and communication with people living with life-limiting illness and their families.
Improving outcomes in palliative care
The Palliative Centre strives to improve outcomes for people living with life-limiting illness through multidisciplinary research and collaboration. We conduct mixed methods research into palliative, supportive and bereavement services, to inform improved care delivery in a variety of settings.
Our team’s research strengths are in optimal cancer pain management and enabling better advance care planning and communication about palliative care, with programs such as The Advance Project. The Centre also supervises PhD students’ research into areas including paramedicine in end-of-life care, pain management and the psychosocial aspects of care and spirituality.
Our palliative research team
The Palliative Centre’s research specialists are leading the future of care for people with life-limiting illnesses.
Prof Josephine Clayton
Director of Palliative Care Research & Learning
Prof Melanie Lovell
Senior Academic

Craig Sinclair
Senior Research Fellow

Dr Srivalli Vilapakkam Nagarajan
Research Fellow

Dr Phil Austin
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Jon San Martin
Clinical Nurse Consultant

Dr Robyn Keall
Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner, Northern Sydney Community Palliative Care Team
Dr Amy Chow
Braeside Hospital’s Director of Palliative Care and Palliative Care Research Lead
Madeleine Juhrmann
Research Assistant
Dr Claire Francisco
Staff Specialist, Braeside Hospital

Dr Wei Lee
Staff Specialist, Northern Sydney
Prof Josephine Clayton
Director of Palliative Care Research & Learning
Professor Josephine Clayton is a Senior Staff Specialist Physician in Palliative Medicine at Greenwich Hospital in Sydney, and Professor of Palliative Care, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney. She also leads research and learning at The Palliative Centre.
Josephine is Director of The Advance Project, a national program, led by HammondCare and funded by the Australian government. The Advance Project provides practical, evidence-based resources and training that empower aged and primary care professionals to initiate advance care planning and palliative care. Josephine’s research has been widely published and translated into clinical practice in the area of enhancing communication between patients, families and clinicians about palliative and end-of-life care.
Prof Melanie Lovell
Senior Academic
Professor Melanie Lovell is a Senior Staff Specialist Physician in Palliative Medicine in Northern Sydney and Senior Academic for The Palliative Centre. She is a Clinical Associate Professor in Palliative Care at the University of Sydney’s Northern Clinical School and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Technology Sydney.
A widely published researcher with an interest in cancer pain, she was the founding chair of the Australian Cancer Pain Management Guideline on Cancer Council Australia’s wiki platform and leads our Cancer Pain Research Group.
Melanie is Chair of the Pain Node for Cancer Symptom Trials and Palliative Care Clinical Studies Collaborative. Her other research interest is in spiritual care.

Craig Sinclair
Senior Research Fellow
Craig obtained his PhD in Psychology at the University of Western Australia in 2010 and has since undertaken research in advance care planning, supported decision-making and older adult decision-making. He worked at the Rural Clinical School of WA from 2010–2018 and is currently based at the University of New South Wales School of Psychology.
Craig is the Chief Investigator on the EARLI project, a cluster randomised controlled trial of reminiscence-based life review and facilitated advance care planning in people receiving aged care at home. He is also a member of the advisory group for The Advance Project.

Dr Srivalli Vilapakkam Nagarajan
Research Fellow
Dr Srivalli Nagarajan is the Project Coordinator and the Research Fellow and Evaluation Coordinator for the Australian Government-funded Advance Project. She has a doctoral degree in education and more than 20 years of cross-disciplinary teaching and research experience, having published over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles.
Srivalli was also the Research Fellow responsible for the qualitative evaluation of the Quality End of Life Care Project, a HammondCare Foundation-funded project focused on improving palliative and end-of-life care for aged care residents.

Dr Phil Austin
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr Phil Austin is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The Palliative Centre and an academic tutor at the Pain Management Research Institute at the University of Sydney.
Phil's palliative care research includes investigation into the ability of hospital staff to recognise spiritual needs and predictors of death anxiety in the New Zealand population, and he is currently investigating the analgesic effects of virtual reality in people with cancer pain.
He is also experienced in researching diagnostic algorithms for functional gastrointestinal disorders and the assessment of endogenous pain modulation in people with chronic pain.

Jon San Martin
Clinical Nurse Consultant
Jon is a registered nurse with experience working in residential aged care and specialist palliative care. Jon started his nursing career as a care worker in a retirement village before undertaking various roles as a registered nurse in aged care and subacute hospital.
Jon is an Emerging Nurse Leader (ENL) for the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) and his key areas of interest include mentoring and quality improvement in aged care, dementia care and palliative care. He is currently working as the Clinical Nurse Consultant for The Advance Project.

Dr Robyn Keall
Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner, Northern Sydney Community Palliative Care Team
Dr Robyn Keall is a Nurse Practitioner in palliative care and works across the three HammondCare sites in the Community Palliative Care Team in the Northern Sydney Local Health District. Her PhD focused on enhancing existential and spiritual care for patients by improving nurses’ communication skills.
In collaboration with Professor Melanie Lovell, Robyn has recently completed an ACI grant-funded evaluation of the Palliative Care Rapid Response team project and the restructuring of the after-hours palliative care service. She is currently working on best practice guidelines to reduce opioid misuse in cancer patients for the Cancer Council.
Dr Amy Chow
Braeside Hospital’s Director of Palliative Care and Palliative Care Research Lead
Dr Amy Chow graduated from the University of Auckland in 2005 and has worked in various hospitals in New Zealand and Australia ever since. She obtained her Fellowship in Palliative Medicine in 2017 and was appointed to the role of Director of Palliative Care at Braeside Hospital in 2020.
Amy is also the lead in palliative care research at Braeside Hospital. She believes that best practice palliative care should be available widely and wants to ensure patients with palliative needs have dignity and quality of life at the end of life.
Madeleine Juhrmann
Research Assistant
Madeleine Juhrmann is a Research Assistant at The Palliative Centre. With a background in paramedicine and public health, Madeleine has worked across a range of HammondCare portfolios to support policy, project and research planning, implementation and evaluation.
Madeleine's key interests lie in public health approaches to palliative care and reducing avoidable hospital admissions. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney, where she is investigating the role of paramedics delivering end-of-life care under the primary supervision of Professor Josephine Clayton.
Dr Claire Francisco
Staff Specialist, Braeside Hospital
Dr Claire Francisco is a Staff Specialist in palliative medicine at Braeside Hospital. She has dual fellowships in geriatric medicine and palliative medicine and contributes to palliative care research activities at Braeside Hospital, including various clinical trials.

Dr Wei Lee
Staff Specialist, Northern Sydney
Dr Wei Lee is a Staff Specialist Physician in palliative medicine in Northern Sydney and a Senior Lecturer in the University of Sydney Northern Clinical School. He is the coordinating principal investigator for SKIPMDD – a phase II pilot feasibility study exploring the use of subcutaneous ketamine infusion in palliative care patients for major depressive disorder.
Wei is on the Palliative Care Clinical Studies Collaborative Trials Management Committee and Cancer Symptom Trial Scientific Committee. He is also the early career researcher representative on the Palliative Care Clinical Academic Group of Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE).
Selection of research funding and grants
Our research specialists collaborate on several research projects yearly, including some listed here. For details on these projects, please refer to our annual research reports.
Australian Government, Department of Health National Palliative Care Project
Clayton J, Cunningham C, Tieman J, “The Advance Project: Initiating advance care planning and palliative care for people living with dementia through training and resources for care providers.” Awarded $1.2 million from July 2020 until the end of June 2023. Learn more about The Advance Project.
National Health and Medical Research Council
Sinclair C, Kurrle S, Clayton J, Comans T, Auret K, Campbell E, Halcomb E, Helgeman M. “The Enhanced Advance care planning and life Review Longitudinal Intervention (EARLI) study: Increasing proactive care planning in Australian community aged care settings”. Awarded $955,828 over 5 years from 2022.
Clark K, Matsuoka H, Clarke S, Phillips J, Good P, Lovell M, Lee J, Le B, “An international, double-blind, dose increment, parallel-arm, randomised controlled trial of duloxetine versus pregabalin for opioid unresponsive cancer-related neuropathic pain: Phase III trial.” Awarded $978,610 from 2020 for three years. App ID: 1188023.
Japanese Government, Grants in Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
Kizawa Y, Mori M, Clayton J, “The development and effectiveness of culturally-adapted advance care planning interventions: Building an Asian collaborative palliative care research network.” Awarded ¥18,460,000 (equivalent to $250,000 AUD) from October 2019 for six years.
Sydney Vital Translational Cancer Research Centre
Lovell M, Austin P. “The effects of virtual reality on pain intensity in people with cancer pain.” Awarded $50,000 from April 2019 for 12 months.
Friends of the Mater Foundation Grant
Lovell M, Boyle F, “Updating the Australian Cancer Pain guideline.” Awarded $50,000 from July 2019 for 12 months.
Australian Government, Department of Health National Palliative Care Project
Clayton J, Rhee J, Tieman J, Detering K, Mitchell G, Phillips J, Halcomb E, Morton R, Lewis V, “The Advance Project: Initiating palliative care and advance care planning through training and resources for primary care clinicians.”. Awarded $2 million from August 2017 until the end of June 2020.
Cancer Australia Grant
Phillips J, Shaw T, Lovell M, Davidson P, Boyle F, Lam L, McCaffrey N, “Improving Patient Reported pain Outcomes through mHealth Practitioner Training (I-PROMPT): A phase III wait-listed randomised control trial.” Awarded $342,483 from 2017 for three years. Grant ID: PdCCRS 1127011.
Australian Government, Department of Health National Palliative Care Project
Clayton J, Rhee J, Tieman J, Detering K, Halcomb E, Mitchell G, Phillips J, Shaw T, Morton R, “The Advance Project. Initiating palliative care and advance care planning: training and resources for General Practice Nurses.” Awarded $1,400,000 from 2016–2017.
Cancer Institute NSW, Translational Program Grant
Butow P, Andrew G, Girgis A, Kelly B, Hack T, Clayton J, Price M, Beale P, Viney R, Kirsten L, “A sustainable and supported clinical pathway for managing anxiety and depression in cancer patients: developing and evaluating components and testing implementation strategies.” Awarded $3,643,992 from July 2015 for five years.
National Breast Cancer Foundation
Lovell MR, Phillips J, Agar M, Boyle FM, Davidson PM, Luckett T, Currow DC, Ryan L, McCaffrey N, Shaw T, “Implementing a national clinical pathway for pain to ensure equitable, cost-effective, evidence-based, person-centred care for people with advanced breast and other cancers.” Awarded $939,139 from November 2014 over four years.
Contact us to find out more about any of our research projects
Current research projects
Palliative and supportive care
- The Advance Project: Initiating palliative care and advance care planning through training and resources for primary care clinicians
- The enhanced advance care planning and life review longitudinal intervention (EARLI) study: Increasing proactive care planning in Australian community aged care settings
- Routine clinical assessment of psychosocial and existential symptoms in palliative care: A national quality improvement project through education and supervision
- Improving palliative care for people with intellectual disability
- Virtual reality in palliative care scoping study
- Designing for early engagement and wellbeing in palliative care
- Implementation and evaluation of an intervention to improve palliative and end-of-life care for residents in aged care homes: a mixed methods design
- Broadening the role of paramedics delivering palliative and end-of-life care in the Australian community
- Living after death: An exploration of the experiences of bereaved adults
- Enhancing spiritual care at the end of life
- Factors that influence understandings and beliefs about euthanasia and assisted suicide
- From primary to specialist care settings: Understanding the role and needs of psychologists working with end-of-life issues
Clinical trials and pharmacovigilance
- Phase II double-blind, placebo-controlled study of oral delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Namisol®) for anorexia in people with advanced cancer
- Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III trial of oral melatonin for the prevention of delirium in hospital in people with advanced cancer
- Subcutaneous ketamine infusion in palliative care patients with advanced life-limiting Illnesses for major depressive disorder: A phase II pilot feasibility study
- Randomised controlled trial of duloxetine versus pregabalin for cancer-related neuropathic pain: Phase III trial
- A multi-centre double-blind randomised controlled trial of continuous subcutaneous lidocaine (lignocaine) for the management of neuropathic cancer pain – a feasibility study
- Improving the management of inoperable malignant bowel obstruction. A phase II, multi-site, double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled feasibility trial of crushed oral famotidine
- Rapid report of pharmacovigilance program
- The Advance Project: Initiating advance care planning and palliative care for people living with dementia through training and resources for care providers
- Communication-related experiences and needs of families for older people living with advanced dementia receiving end-of-life care: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research
- Optimising end-of-life care for people living with dementia: a qualitative study of residential aged care staff perspectives
- A sustainable and supported clinical pathway for managing anxiety and depression in cancer patients: developing and evaluating components and testing implementation strategies
- Cancer Pain Assessment Study
- The effects of virtual reality on pain intensity in people with cancer pain
- Make My Values Matter: Developing and testing a values question prompt list for cancer patients
- Systematic review of aerobic and resistance exercise for pain in people living with advanced cancer
Current collaborations
Research Centres
- Palliative Care Clinical Studies Collaborative (PaCCSC)
- Centre for Medical Psychology and Evidence-Based Decision-Making
- Improving Palliative, Aged and Chronic Care through Clinical Research and Translation (IMPACCT)
- Cancer Symptoms Trial Group (a research collaborative within IMPACCT)
- Psycho-oncology Co-operative Research Group (PoCoG)
- Research Centre for Palliative Care, Death and Dying (RePaDD)
- Royal North Shore Hospital
- Cabrini Health
- St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney
- University of Sydney
- University of Technology Sydney
- Flinders University of South Australia
- La Trobe University
- University of New South Wales
- University of Queensland
- University of Wollongong
- Western Sydney University
- CareSearch
- Advance Care Planning Australia
- Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program
International Collaborators
- University of Edinburgh, UK
- Cecily Saunders Institute, UK
- Kobe University, Japan
- Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
Read about our findings and impact
Contact the Palliative Centre
To learn more about our research projects, submit an online enquiry. If you are interested in partnering with us please visit our Research Governance page for more information.