Research governance
Want to research with us? Our Research Governance Office oversees all internal and external requests for grant endorsements and research project approvals.
Research governance
Want to research with us? Our Research Governance Office oversees all internal and external requests for grant endorsements and research project approvals.
Supporting research that enables better care
We’re supportive of research that aligns with our Mission and priorities and helps us provide better care.
To manage this, our Institutional Research Governance Framework applies to all research undertaken at HammondCare. The Research Governance Office (RGO) facilitates HammondCare’s institutional oversight and governance processes for the approval and conduct of all research that involves our staff, patients, clients and residents.

Grant and research project requirements
HammondCare has a robust research governance process that needs to be followed by both internal and external researchers and research teams. The following information is for applying to grant endorsement and research project approvals. If you have any questions about the process, please send us an email.
Important information:
- The RGO does not provide grants for research
- All research projects led by people or entities external to HammondCare need to have a valid research agreement in place before they start
- All research personnel accessing any HammondCare site must meet certain criteria, including providing a valid Criminal Record Check clearance before the commencement of the research
Step 1
Submit a request for research project approval or for HammondCare to be involved in a grant submission. Please complete the relevant form, either the Application for HammondCare Grant Involvement Approval or the Research Idea and Proposal Form.
- If grant involvement is endorsed, you will be advised and you can then proceed with your grant submission as agreed.
- If your research project is endorsed, you can proceed to Step 2 of the RGO process.
Step 2
Research project approval: you will be asked to submit to the RGO a more detailed budget, and information about required resourcing. This will tell us how HammondCare will be impacted by its commitment to the research project.
Your full submission is then reviewed by relevant General Manager/s of operational units before a review by the Research Governance Committee.
The Committee meets every two months and approves projects to proceed, once it is satisfied they fit with our Mission and Research Strategy, and that we have the capacity and capability to host the research institutionally.
Step 3
Once the Research Governance Committee has approved the research project; you have obtained and submitted all relevant ethics approvals to the RGO; and an agreed research agreement has been signed by authorised signatories, you will receive your final governance approval letter. This will allow you to activate your research project.
Activated and completed research
When your research is underway, HammondCare’s RGO will require six-monthly updates on how you are tracking against your research plan. You’ll also need to keep the RGO informed of any changes to the project as they arise.
Researchers are required to ensure all documentation and ethics amendments, approvals and safety reporting documents are submitted to the RGO. This will ensure the project continues to meet local, national and international requirements for research.
When your research concludes, researchers are required to complete and submit a Project Close Out and Translation to Care Form. We are interested in hearing about your final plans for translating research outcomes into practice. Additionally, researchers need to provide the RGO with the final report submitted to their Ethics Committee.
Research Governance Committee meetings
Our Research Governance Committee reviews research documentation to ensure HammondCare has the operational capacity and capability to host each research project. The Committee usually meets every two months in January, March, May, July, September and November.
For specific meeting dates, please contact our Research Governance Office.

Clinical trials at HammondCare
HammondCare hosts clinical trials on its sites to investigate effective treatments for people living with dementia and those in palliative care.
There is a standard fee schedule in place that covers research governance review fees for clinical trials, including sponsored, collaborative group and investigator-initiated trials. The fee schedule must be agreed to and embedded into study agreements.
If you would like a copy of the research governance fee schedule, please send us an email.