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Residential Care

HammondCare Miranda Residential Aged Care

19 Kiama Street
Miranda NSW 2228

Welcome to HammondCare Miranda Residential Aged Care

Complete with its own onsite general store, HammondCare Miranda offers specialised residential aged care and dementia care in the Sutherland Shire.
HammondCare Miranda is a warm and welcoming community comprising Scarborough - a series of dementia care cottages, and Mason - aged care apartments for people with complex health needs. The homes incorporate leading design features to promote independence, choice, comfort and belonging.
Qualified in leading care practices, the expert care team build a genuine relationship with you and your family so they can tailor their approach to your individual needs.

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An older couple seeking residential aged care in miranda with a healthcare professional at an aged care home in the Sutherland Shire.

Specialised residential aged care homes

Together with expertise in clinical and dementia care, HammondCare Miranda's homes are designed to help you feel familiar in your environment and make your own decisions.
As well as an onsite general store and salon, the homes have easy access to gardens, a central kitchen you can recognise and use, and a mix of shared living areas and quiet comfortable spots to sit and relax.

What does HammondCare Miranda offer?

An expert care team: Trained in specialised residential aged care and dementia care, your team is dedicated to improving your quality of life through compassionate care and clinical excellence. As part of caring for you, they learn about your history, passions, values, and hobbies to help you maintain a fulfilling life.
Pastoral care: HammondCare Miranda welcomes and respects people of all faiths, and of no faith. The Pastoral Care team provides regular support and education to residents and their families, including a regular support group for carers.
Volunteer services: A team of trained volunteers generously contribute their time to providing company, friendship, art and music engagement, gardening and pet therapy, and spiritual care.
Partnered services: HammondCare Miranda works with a range of aged care partners in the Sutherland Shire to care for you holistically, including consulting pharmacy services and allied health providers.

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Types of care at HammondCare Miranda Residential Aged Care

Residential dementia care

  • HammondCare has 30 years experience caring for people with dementia. Scarborough is a series of 8 small cottages at Miranda, purpose-designed for people living with dementia.
  • Setting the gold standard model of care recommended by the Royal Commission, the Sutherland Shire aged care cottages are designed and operated as small domestic households.
  • Evidence-based dementia design features are incorporated to promote independence, choice, familiarity and comfort.
  • With specialised dementia qualifications, the care team at Scarborough place the individual at the heart of care. Care is tailored to each person's values, preferences, and health needs.

Specialist dementia care program

As an approved provider of the Specialist Dementia Care Program (SDCP) in the Sutherland Shire, HammondCare Miranda provides individualised residential aged care for people experiencing severe behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia.
The SDCP aims to stabilise and reduce a person’s behavioural symptoms so they can ultimately transition to a less intensive care setting.

This program requires referral and needs-based assessment delivered by Dementia Support Australia. To learn more about eligibility and how to access visit;  

Residential aged care

Mason is a multilevel care home with six modern apartments for older people with complex health needs.
Each apartment caters for up to 10 people with similar needs, which promotes personalised care within a socially inclusive environment.
The apartments are designed as small households to promote a sense of belonging and improve quality of life. The ground floor contains a general store, multipurpose room, and recreational space.
The care team is qualified in specialised care and backed by HammondCare’s history and expertise, encompassing over 90 years caring for people in need.

Costs and payment options

We provide the highest quality of residential aged care in the Sutherland Shire to all people with an assessed need, regardless of their financial circumstances. This means that your financial situation will not affect finding a place at HammondCare.
There are three ways you can pay for residential accommodation and care. We can help you understand your options and find an arrangement that suits your individual circumstances.

Option 1: Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD)

This is a lump-sum payment with a refundable balance upon exit. The maximum RAD for:

  • Scarborough: $900,000
  • Mason: $920,000
Option 2: Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)

This is a daily payment that is non-refundable.

The maximum DAP for:

  • Scarborough: $201.45
  • Mason: $205.92
Option 3: RAD + DAP Combined

This is a combination payment that is made up of part refundable accommodation deposit, and part daily accommodation payment. You can pay any RAD + DAP combination you wish.

An example of RAD + DAP combinations for Miranda is:

  • Scarborough: a RAD of $585,000 and a DAP of $70.50
  • Mason: a RAD of $600,000 and a DAP of $71.62
HammondCare Assurance

Residents who choose to pay for their accommodation by a RAD + DAP combination may also determine to have any DAP and/or Personalised Services Fee withdrawn from the RAD.

You may have concerns that the RAD amount will, over time, be consumed by these deductions. However, HammondCare ensures that at least 65% of the RAD paid will be returned to residents:

  • Whose income and assets assessment by Centrelink/DVA indicates that the RAD they have paid is the maximum that they are able to pay.
  • Who have paid a RAD that is equal to or higher than the HammondCare example RAD + DAP combination for that specific care home

Those who do not agree to have any regular deductions from the RAD will receive the full deposit when they leave the care home.

Accommodation supplement

The Australian Government also pays an accommodation supplement for residents who are unable to contribute to the cost of their accommodation.

The Australian Government subsidises the cost of care.
Residents are asked to contribute in the following ways:

Basic Daily Fee

A Basic Daily Fee goes towards day-to-day living expenses such as meals, cleaning and laundry. The standard Basic Daily Fee is 85% of the single pension, or $63.82 per day.

Means-Tested Care Fee

If a resident’s income and assets exceed thresholds set by the Australian Government, a Means-Tested Care fee will need to be paid, which contributes to the cost of clinical care.

Personalised Services

To provide comfort and satisfaction, all HammondCare residential sites have access to a number of high-quality services and features. At Miranda from just $34 per day, Personalised Services are provided in addition to the provision of standard care and services.

So what will the total cost be?

Specific care costs will depend on several factors, including your particular circumstances and care needs. To find the best option for your needs, contact our Admissions Team for a friendly chat on 1800 776 112.
To make things clearer, here are some examples of how accommodation and care costs might interact in individual cases.
Mary is a full pensioner who was renting a house. When she was assessed by the Australian Government as eligible for residential care, she moved into a low care, dementia-specific home at HammondCare. Because she did not have significant income or assets, Mary receives the government’s accommodation supplement and she does not have to pay the means-tested care fee. She will use her pension income to pay the Basic Daily Fee.
Bill is a retired welder who lives in his own home. When he discovered he needed residential care, he sold his house for $520,000 and moved into HammondCare. The home's maximum accommodation price is $650,000 and he chose to pay a combined $420,000 refundable deposit and a $53.05 daily accommodation payment (based on the outstanding amount of $230,000). He also pays a means-tested care fee of around $10/day and Personalised Services fee which is debited from his savings. He also pays the Basic Daily Fee out of his pension.
Jane is a retired accountant. Before she moved into a 15-person cottage at HammondCare, she lived in her own home that was worth $900,000. She paid the full refundable deposit of $830,000 and so did not have to make any daily accommodation payments. She now pays a means-tested care fee based on her assets and her investment income. She also pays the Basic Daily Fee and Personalised Service Fee out of her investment income.