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HammondCare offers practical and spiritual Christian care for clients and their carers
Our support groups aim to provide emotional support and education for carers, family and friends of people living with dementia
Support for carers is available through Carers’ Support Groups that operate out of every HammondCare residential facility. These groups aim to provide emotional support and education for those caring for or involved in any way with someone with dementia.
Carers Support at our North Turramurra facility
When? Meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 10:30am–12:00pm
Where? Waldegrave House
For time and dates or further information contact;
- Meredith Hatcher on;
- 0427 305 371 or mhatcher@hammond.com.au
- 0427 305 371 or mhatcher@hammond.com.au
- Sue Love on;
- 0447 658 971 or slove@hammond.com.au
- Wes Brown on
- 0403 267 956 or wbrown@hammond.com.au