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Healthcare Services

HammondCare Braeside Hospital

340 Prairie Vale Road
Prairiewood NSW 2176

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Welcome to HammondCare Braeside Hospital

Braeside Hospital is a public hospital that provides inpatient, outpatient and community assessments in Fairfield in Southwestern Sydney.

Our specialised health and community services for the residents of southwestern Sydney include rehabilitation, palliative care and older people's mental health.

1300 225 013
A man consults with a healthcare professional at HammondCare Braeside Hospital.

Quality & Safety

We are committed to providing high quality, safe and relationship-based care for our clients and patients. Our hospitals are fully accredited via the Australian Council on Health Care Standards (ACHS) under the National Safety & Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.

We use various strategies and structures to monitor patient safety and quality of care. These include reviews, audits, surveys and feedback from consumers, carers and staff. As part of our ongoing quality and safety culture we perform regular clinical indicator reviews.

In addition to internal and external professional reviews, we have a Consumer Advisory Council that reviews patient safety data and provide comments on a regular basis.

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Types of care at HammondCare Braeside Hospital

Palliative and supportive care

Braeside Hospital offers comprehensive services for those diagnosed with a life-limiting illness in cases when relief from symptoms or pain management may be required. Our aim is to provide physical, spiritual and emotional comfort, skilled symptom control, education and good communication, as well as support for the family both during the final stages of illness and in the bereavement period.

Services provided at Braeside Hospital include an inpatient unit, outpatient clinics and community assessments.

Find out more about palliative care


We offer comprehensive inpatient, outpatient and day hospital services for patients who are experiencing a wide range of conditions, including: recently experienced a stroke, joint replacement, lower limb amputation and fractures

The overall goal of rehabilitation is to enable people to live an as full and independent lifestyle as possible within their own environment.

Areas of expertise at Braeside hospital:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Medical Rehabilitation
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Neuropsychology
  • Diversional therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech pathology
  • Pharmacy
  • Nursing
  • Dietetics
  • Social work
  • Pastoral care

Older people's mental health

We also offer comprehensive inpatient and outpatient services for patients with mental health problems including dementia with severe behavioural disturbances or other mental health issues.

The aims of these services are to provide comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment, treatment and management of patients with a view to appropriate placement back into the community.

Care is provided for inpatients in a structured and safe environment with mainly single rooms, and a lounge/dining and outdoor area for each group of eight patients, which incorporate special design features to reduce confusion and allow monitoring of behaviours.

Find out more about older people's mental health

Short-term restorative care

Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) is an individualised program that is provided in your home or in a community setting, such as a local gym. It offers up to eight weeks of tailored therapy to help you improve your ability to perform everyday tasks and achieve your goals in a way that you feel comfortable with.

How do I access this service?

Short-Term Restorative Care is a government-funded program. If you are 65 years or older, or otherwise eligible for Commonwealth-funded aged care services, you may be eligible for a STRC program.

If you are already receiving a Home Care Package, you might not be eligible for STRC, though similar programs can still be accessed through your package.

To find out more on the STRC program, read our STRC Guide

How to get or make a referral

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Palliative and supportive care

All patient referrals must be from a General Practitioner, medical specialist, or advance practice nurse, and must include the referring officer’s address, phone number, and provider number. If the referral is from a specialist, the patient’s GP details should also be included with the referral.

All referrals must be legally valid as outlined in the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).

Please address your letter of referral to our staff specialists.

The referral must be received and dated prior to the patient receiving treatment from our service, with the exception of medical emergencies and inter-hospital transfers.

For more information on referrals to Braeside Hospital specialist palliative care services and enquiries please contact us or fax your referral to 02 9756 8805.



While everyone's situation is different, below is a typical journey for rehabilitation patients.

  1. Refer your patient to a Medical Rehabilitation Specialist for rehabilitation treatment
  2. Your patient will be reviewed, then admitted as an inpatient (if necessary)
  3. After an assessment, the team will work with your patient to create a comprehensive, personalised care plan
  4. Your patient will be discharged and may progress to outpatient visits
  5. They'll receive ongoing support, right through to the final stages of recovery

To refer a patient to HammondCare Braeside Hospital for rehabilitation, please call on the number below.

Reasons for referral can range from seeking an initial diagnosis to the review and treatment of an ongoing illness.

For more information on how to refer to Braeside Hospital's Older Persons' Mental Health services, please contact us.


*If you feel that you or someone you care about is in a crisis situation,

please contact the Mental Health Telephone Access Line on 1800 011 511.

All patient referrals must be from a General Practitioner, medical specialist, or advance practice nurse, and must include the referring officer’s address, phone number, and provider number. If the referral is from a specialist, the patient’s GP details should also be included with the referral.

All referrals must be legally valid as outlined in the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).

Please address your letter of referral to our staff specialists.

The referral must be received and dated prior to the patient receiving treatment from our service, with the exception of medical emergencies and inter-hospital transfers.

For more information on referrals to Braeside Hospital specialist palliative care services and enquiries please contact us or fax your referral to 02 9756 8805.



While everyone's situation is different, below is a typical journey for rehabilitation patients.

  1. Refer your patient to a Medical Rehabilitation Specialist for rehabilitation treatment
  2. Your patient will be reviewed, then admitted as an inpatient (if necessary)
  3. After an assessment, the team will work with your patient to create a comprehensive, personalised care plan
  4. Your patient will be discharged and may progress to outpatient visits
  5. They'll receive ongoing support, right through to the final stages of recovery

To refer a patient to HammondCare Braeside Hospital for rehabilitation, please call on the number below.

Reasons for referral can range from seeking an initial diagnosis to the review and treatment of an ongoing illness.

For more information on how to refer to Braeside Hospital's Older Persons' Mental Health services, please contact us.


*If you feel that you or someone you care about is in a crisis situation,

please contact the Mental Health Telephone Access Line on 1800 011 511.

Get in touch

  • Enquiries

    1300 225 013

  • Braeside Hospital

    340 Prairievale Road
    Prairiewood NSW 2176

  • Business Hours

    Mon to Fri: 10:30am to 6:30pm

Contact Us