Lend a
helping hound

Make your tax-deductible donation to support Australians living with dementia.

Lend a
helping hound

Make your tax-deductible donation to support Australians living with dementia.

Make a difference to people living with dementia

Dementia is now the number one cause of disease burden for older Australians, affecting 400,000 individuals with cases set to double. More than half of all aged care residents have a dementia diagnosis. 


Animal engagement sessions and therapy are proven to ease feelings of anxiety and provide a calming influence for those living with dementia. That's why we started the Hounds Helping Humans program. 

These helping (grey)hounds are beautiful, rescued animals that are provided with a new purpose in therapy and engagement due to their calm and gentle nature. They are also tall enough to be accessible to people who are in wheelchairs or confined to beds. 


Hounds helping humans bring joy to people with dementia tax appeal hammondcare foundation lend a helping hound

Help us to grow

Your donations go towards expanding and operating the program from 3 to 17 residential care sites, bringing enough trained animals to engage and offer support to more than 2,000 aged care residents .

Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

According to research, the significant health benefits animal engagement has on people living with dementia can include:

  • a decrease in depression.
  • a decrease in agitation.
  • a decrease in anxiety symptoms.
  • improvement in quality of life.
  • increase in social interaction and engagement compared to group engagement sessions without animals.
[1] (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2023)[2]  (Olsen et al., 2016) [3] (Filan & Llewellyn-Jones, 2006)
HammondCare Foundation resident handler patting greyhound helping hound tax appeal

Relying solely on donated funds, our goal is to expand this program from 3 to 17 residential care sites, bringing enough trained animals to engage and offer support to more than 2,000 aged care residents .

Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

‘I was just so happy to see the joy Dad experienced by being with Jordy. The Hounds Helping Humans program is amazing, just amazing. I love seeing how Dad smiles when Jordy comes up to his hand for a pat. Dad loves it, and Kate [the greyhound handler] is also very calm, which is what people living with dementia need, and she communicated so well with Dad.’ 


Sandra, the daughter of HammondCare resident, Carlos who loves a Helping Hound! 


You have the power to make a difference

Your tax-deductible donation makes this program and the difference it makes for Australians living with dementia possible. Here are some ways you can support the Hounds for Humans program:

People $100 group session FND Tax Appeal SVG icon donate dementia support animal engagement (1)

can provide one group engagement session for residents at a HammondCare residential site.

$250 Dog greyhound training FND Tax Appeal SVG icon donate dementia support animal engagement

can provide training for one greyhound and their handler.

FND Tax Appeal SVG icon donate dementia support animal engagement (2)

can provide greyhound training and visits for one greyhound at a residential site for an entire year.

Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

By donating to give a helping hound you support:


Donations can empower us to grow and operate this program from 3 residential care sites to benefit 17 residential care sites across Australia, reaching and benefiting more than 2,000 residents.

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For older Australians who are no longer able to care for a pet, it’s the perfect opportunity to connect with a furry friend again.


Help aged care residents build a sense of belonging and social engagement following animal-assisted therapy sessions.


HammondCare will be able to conduct research and learnings to share with the care sector, to help improve care available for Australians living with dementia.

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