Getting started with care

We’re here to guide you on your care journey and make finding the right type of care as simple as possible.

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Share your feedback

Have something to say? No matter what it is, we want to hear about it so we can continually improve our services to you.

Share your feedback

Have something to say? No matter what it is, we want to hear about it so we can continually improve our services to you.

How you can share your feedback

There are multiple ways you can give HammondCare feedback on our services:

If you want to tell us about something that happened or isn't quite right that you think might be breaking a law, and don't want to use this form, we encourage you to get in touch. You can do this anonymously by calling our central office and asking to speak with HammondCare's Feedback Team.

Please include specifics about our services, facilities or any other aspect of HammondCare, as this will enable us to follow it up for you. Our team will do everything they can to rectify any issue straight away where possible.

We aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working days and fully respond to your complaint promptly. In most cases, this can happen within 15 working days. If you are still dissatisfied, you can ask the Chief Executive to review the matter.

Please be assured that HammondCare treats all feedback seriously and is committed to respecting your confidentiality. When you provide feedback, you may choose to provide your name and contact details or choose to remain anonymous. If you provide feedback anonymously, we may not be able to appropriately investigate your feedback or notify you of the outcome of any investigation.

Still not happy? 

In the unlikely event that a matter cannot be resolved with HammondCare, you can seek assistance from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, the Health Care Complaints Commission and/or the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

Why your feedback is important to us

We are genuine about addressing feedback. We encourage residents, clients, patients, family members, supporters and suppliers to submit any compliments, complaints or suggestions for review.

We are happy if you are

There is nothing quite as motivating as receiving a kind word. In fact, when someone compliments one of our team members, it helps us to recognise that person appropriately.

So, if you’ve experienced outstanding service, please let us know so we can pass it on.

We're not happy if you aren't

We are dedicated to providing you with the best level of service. Even with the greatest effort and best intentions, sometimes mistakes occur. When this happens, we want to hear about it. That way we can rectify any problem as quickly as possible and restore your confidence in us.

We protect whistleblowers

If you tell us about something at HammondCare that you think isn't quite right, and it might be a breach of relevant laws, then what you tell us might be a 'protected whistleblower disclosure'. If that's the case, we have obligations to protect your interests as the person making the disclosure.

Submit feedback