COVID-19 Information & Updates
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A message from Prof Andrew Cole, Chief Medical Officer
HammondCare’s priority is to maintain and protect the health and wellbeing of residents, clients, patients, staff and volunteers. We recognise the very significant challenges COVID-19 has imposed on all of us since early 2020 and want to thank you for your ongoing support and trust in HammondCare.
This page provides information about HammondCare’s approach to managing COVID-19 and what you can do to reduce the risk.
With your support, we’re working to ensure the safety and well-being of the most vulnerable in our society.
We’re grateful for your understanding of COVID-19’s ongoing impact and encourage you to continue to be vigilant for your own health and safety, and for the health of those in the broader community.
We continue to observe the key importance of up-to-date vaccination, good hygiene and infection control. These steps help protect us against getting serious COVID-19 infection.
Even though COVID-19 is a part of the normal living environment for most of us now, we know it can still be a serious illness in older people, or those with low immunity or other medical risk factors. It is important that we help protect those people, at the same time as we try to protect ourselves against recurring COVID-19 infection.

Please do not hesitate to contact HammondCare 24/7 if you have any questions or concerns
HammondCare’s approach to COVID-19
HammondCare has taken a measured, intelligent approach to the very real risks presented by COVID-19 and has closely followed the directives and guidelines of the Australian and State governments.
Pandemic governance
Since the start of the pandemic, HammondCare has used COVID-19 support staff to interpret, disseminate and manage the changing government guidelines and to carefully plan our organisational response. This team provides direction to local teams and enables us to act swiftly, communicate well and to escalate any concerns to our Clinical Governance Team. The Clinical Governance Team includes key members of HammondCare’s Leadership Team as well as HammondCare’s clinical experts and Chief Medical Officer.
Pandemic plans and other measures
Complementing this pandemic governance structure, HammondCare has both an organisational Pandemic Plan and local plans in place. These plans, which include outbreak management protocols, ensure that proactive steps are taken to prevent transmission of COVID-19 and to enable a responsive approach to any changes or concerns that arise. HammondCare reviews, audits, and updates these Pandemic Plans regularly based on assessments by our independent Quality, Safety and Risk (QSR) team and on information and guidance from State and Federal health bodies.
In response to the spread of COVID-19, a number of precautionary measures have been taken across our services. These include:
Targeted staff training (e.g. on use of personal protective equipment and infection control measures)
Facilitation of increased staff testing for COVID-19 and vaccination (see below for further information)
Procurement and rapid dissemination of necessary resources (e.g. face masks, shields, gowns, goggles, gloves and hand sanitisers)
Liaison and partnership with government and peak bodies (e.g. in the interpretation of public health orders and in organising on-site testing and vaccination)
Implementation of screening processes (e.g. for clients, residents, patients, families, staff and volunteers)
Additional cleaning practices (e.g. in our hospitals and residential services)
Regular communication updates to relevant stakeholders.
More detailed information about the measures we are taking in our Residential Care, Home Care and Hospital Services is set out in the service-specific boxes below.
Please note: If there is a confirmed occurrence of COVID-19 infection at any HammondCare location, all possible close contacts including residents, clients, patients, families, representatives and staff for that location will be notified by phone call, email or letter.
Managing the risk
Residential Services
Staff and visitor screening
Training in, and enhanced use of, appropriate PPE and infection control measures
Monitoring and auditing of infection control practices by the QSR team
Reduced movement of staff between services and between cottages at each service
Enhanced cleaning processes, especially in high-touch areas
Increased precautionary testing of staff
Offering on-site vaccination clinics to residents and staff
Developing clear escalation and decision-making processes that promote safety and encompass a compassionate approach
Implementing measures to safely enable ongoing engagement and visits for residents, their family and loved ones
Hospital Services
Patient and visitor screening through trained screening staff
Training in, and enhanced use of, appropriate PPE and infection control measures
Signage to encourage safe infection control practices; this is reinforced through QSR audits
Enhanced provision of hand sanitiser and increased cleaning processes, especially in high-touch areas
Increased precautionary testing of staff, patients and visitors as required
Introducing visitor restrictions where necessary and appropriate
Developing clear escalation processes and decision frameworks for complex COVID-19 scenarios – balanced with necessary flexibility and a compassionate approach
Home Care Services
Arranging pre-visit screening for all staff and clients
Comprehensive risk management strategies for clients who may display symptoms, or who may be a close contact
Training in, and enhanced use of, appropriate PPE and infection control measures
Increased precautionary testing of staff and risk mitigation strategies to assist in continuity of care for close contacts and household contacts
Arranging pre-visit screening for all staff and clients
Comprehensive risk management strategies for clients who may display symptoms, or who may be a close contact
Training in, and enhanced use of, appropriate PPE and infection control measures
Increased precautionary testing of staff and risk mitigation strategies to assist in continuity of care for close contacts and household contacts
Staff and visitor screening
Training in, and enhanced use of, appropriate PPE and infection control measures
Monitoring and auditing of infection control practices by the QSR team
Reduced movement of staff between services and between cottages at each service
Enhanced cleaning processes, especially in high-touch areas
Increased precautionary testing of staff
Offering on-site vaccination clinics to residents and staff
Developing clear escalation and decision-making processes that promote safety and encompass a compassionate approach
Implementing measures to safely enable ongoing engagement and visits for residents, their family and loved ones
Patient and visitor screening through trained screening staff
Training in, and enhanced use of, appropriate PPE and infection control measures
Signage to encourage safe infection control practices; this is reinforced through QSR audits
Enhanced provision of hand sanitiser and increased cleaning processes, especially in high-touch areas
Increased precautionary testing of staff, patients and visitors as required
Introducing visitor restrictions where necessary and appropriate
Developing clear escalation processes and decision frameworks for complex COVID-19 scenarios – balanced with necessary flexibility and a compassionate approach
Arranging pre-visit screening for all staff and clients
Comprehensive risk management strategies for clients who may display symptoms, or who may be a close contact
Training in, and enhanced use of, appropriate PPE and infection control measures
Increased precautionary testing of staff and risk mitigation strategies to assist in continuity of care for close contacts and household contacts
Arranging pre-visit screening for all staff and clients
Comprehensive risk management strategies for clients who may display symptoms, or who may be a close contact
Training in, and enhanced use of, appropriate PPE and infection control measures
Increased precautionary testing of staff and risk mitigation strategies to assist in continuity of care for close contacts and household contacts
HammondCare's vaccination strategy
HammondCare strongly encourages vaccination to help keep our communities safe, reduce the impact of COVID-19 infections on individuals and on the healthcare system, and reduce the risk of transmission to residents, clients, patients, families, staff and volunteers.
HammondCare ensures all applicable staff are vaccinated and have booster vaccinations as directed by Federal and State Health & Aged Care authorities.
Vaccination FAQs
There has been widespread community discussion about the rollout and availability of vaccines, including boosters. We've put together the following FAQs to help clarify our approach.
Residential Care
When will residents receive the COVID-19 vaccine?
Most residents have already received the recommended COVID-19 vaccination and booster doses. On-site vaccination clinics continue to be available for residents and staff to receive vaccinations. If your loved one has changed their consent or is new to the home, please speak with the Residential Manager to arrange vaccination.
What if I don't consent to the COVID-19 vaccine?
You don’t need to have the vaccine to live in a HammondCare residential home. A resident or their representative has the freedom to choose whether they want to be vaccinated.
What if I change my mind?
Family members are welcome to take residents or their loved one to a GP or medical centre to be vaccinated at a later date.
What if a resident or patient reacts to the vaccine?
All residents and patients are monitored for any adverse side effects and there is always a registered nurse or other health professional present during vaccination. Most vaccine reactions are mild but be assured that medical help will be sought immediately should it be necessary.
Home Care
I'm a HammondCare At Home client, how do I get the COVID-19 vaccine?
We recommend accessing Government advice about the roll-out of the vaccine and boosters. Many older people, carers and people with chronic health conditions should liaise with their GP regarding having the vaccine.
Visitor Guidelines
HammondCare have Resident Visitor Guidelines that are tailored to that service and based on relevant public health orders. It is important that you make yourself aware of these guidelines before you plan a visit.
What can I do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Australia?
Get vaccinated!
Speak to your GP about getting the COVID-19 vaccination and boosters. The vaccination not only reduces your risk of serious illness should you get COVID-19, it also reduces your risk of transmitting the virus and passing it on to others.
Wear a mask or physical distance from all people who are not part of your household
Anyone in contact with older or vulnerable people should consider wearing a mask in situations where they can't be physically distant (1.5 metres).
Practice good hygiene
Please remember to follow all hygiene protocols while you are out of the home. Ensure you wash or sanitise your hands, cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm. Dispose of any used tissues and wash your hands afterwards.
If you are feeling unwell, get tested and self-isolate
If at any time you or someone in your family are not feeling well or showing symptoms of COVID-19, please self-isolate and get tested. Complacency is one of the biggest risks and we all want to stay healthy and safe.
Avoid large public gatherings
While life is returning to normal and there are no government restrictions on gathering, it's still wise to avoid crowded situations where possible and consider meeting outdoors or in well-ventilated spaces.