Getting started with care

We’re here to guide you on your care journey and make finding the right type of care as simple as possible.

Our Locations

Discover which of our services are available in your area.

Residential care costs

We provide the highest quality of care to all people with an assessed need, no matter their financial situation.

Residential care costs

We provide the highest quality of care to all people with an assessed need, no matter their financial situation.

Understanding your residential aged care fees

When you move into residential care, there are several fees you may need to pay to cover the cost of your care, accommodation, and services. The overall cost you pay for residential care is tailored to you as an individual.

Your financial situation determines the fee types and amounts you are required to pay. Your circumstances will not affect finding a place at HammondCare - we provide the highest quality of care to all people with an assessed need.

How do I pay for residential care

Arranging Government support for your care

The Australian Government funds aged care to make it affordable and accessible. The first step to access government-subsidised aged care services is to contact My Aged Care to discuss your needs and request an assessment.

Need help? Our experienced team members are here to support you throughout the assessment process.

How do I access Government support

Getting to know your costs and payment options

Your overall cost for residential care is made up of multiple fee types. Some fees are set by HammondCare, and other fees are set by the Australian Government.

Care costs

Your care costs will depend on your needs and situation.

  • Basic daily fee Goes toward care needs and living expenses. Everyone in residential care pays this fee and the amount is set by the Government as a proportion of the pension.
  • Means tested care fee Residents whose income and assets exceed thresholds set by the Government will be asked to pay a means-tested care fee.

There are other additional and supplementary services that can be provided at an extra cost. We’ll discuss them with you according to your care needs.

Accommodation costs

The cost of your room in a residential care home will vary depending on the room type and location. You can view the prices for all HammondCare homes using our Location Finder.

Accommodation payments can be structured as you prefer, either as:

  • A one-off lump sum (known as a Refundable Accommodation Deposit or RAD)
  • A Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) or
  • A combination of part lump sum, part daily payment.

A Government income and asset test will determine if you are eligible to receive a full or partial Government contribution towards your accommodation cost.

Personalised Services

To enhance your overall living experience, all HammondCare residential homes have access to a number of high-quality services and features.

These Personalised Services are provided in addition to our standard care and services. They are designed to offer you more choice and access to a broader range of life and social engagements.

You can view Personalised Services costs for each home in our Location Finder or speak to our friendly Admissions team for more information.

Find a residential care location near you

Map of HammondCare residential care locations

Tell us how we can help you

Whether you're just considering your options or seeking residential care now, our team can help you find what you need.

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Client Details
Care Needs

Please be advised, a formal diagnosis of dementia is required to be considered for this site.

ACAT Assessment Details

You can visit below website to get more information related and organise an assessment

My Aged Care Website

 Access Australian-Government subsidised aged care services

Apply for an assessment

Aged care homes

Request referral code for ‘Residential Respite’ and/or ‘Residential Permanent’ care (e.g. 1-XXXXXXXXXXX)