Annual Report 2023
Best care, deepest needs
Annual Report 2023
Best care, deepest needs
For more than 90 years, we’ve made it our ambition to say yes, especially to those who need us most. That’s where we want to be – our greatest strengths for the deepest needs.
Highlights of the year

A well-deserved wage increase
The long-awaited Work Value Case pay rise was announced in the May Federal Budget. With strong advocacy from our CEO, Mike Baird, this was a well-deserved acknowledgement for aged care workers across Australia. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Minister for Aged Care Anika Wells thanked the HammondCare team when visiting our Miranda campus, calling aged care workers ‘angels on earth’.

Dementia Support Australia’s impact expands
Dementia Support Australia’s programs continue to make a significant impact on the severity and impact of behaviours, reducing by 60 to 70 per cent during our interventions. Investment in community outreach – including a new awareness campaign and TV commercial aimed at community carers – has resulted in 99.7 per cent of Local Government Areas with aged care homes being supported.
Photo: a scene from the 'Dementia affects us all' TV commercial.

New addition to Miranda care campus
The $25 million Miranda Mason frail aged care home opened in Sydney's south. The innovative multistorey design maximises supportive care in a homelike atmosphere, emphasising our commitment to relationship-based care. Miranda Mason complements the existing independent living units and specialist dementia care village offered at the campus.
Building death literacy
HammondCare launched the Last Days program in early 2023, providing practical training in navigating death and dying for individuals caring for someone nearing end-of-life. After a successful 2022 pilot, the program expanded with in-person workshops and online sessions. We continue to collaborate with health, community and aged care organisations to extend program delivery.
Chair report
As an independent Christian charity, we are strongly motivated to support those most in need.
HammondCare’s powerful commitment to Mission is underpinned by a well-run and financially sustainable business where our teams are supported to do their best every day.
Our financial sustainability has been challenged by the aftermath of the pandemic and severe workforce shortages, as well as unprecedented levels of reform. However, our commitment to good governance and management means we are already turning that financial corner. We continue to invest in people and systems to meet our regulatory requirements and exceed sector benchmarks, lifting quality ratings while reducing the incidence of risk.
We have progressed new projects, and we are looking ahead to new opportunities to serve the vulnerable. Please join me in continuing to pray for all who work and volunteer at HammondCare, and for the people we serve.
Kok Kong Chan
Board Chair, HammondCare

Chief Executive Officer report
After describing FY22 as 'brutal and courageous', our team have asked if we're ready for some good news. And we are, but the need for courage as an organisation remains high.
I want to acknowledge the difficult work undertaken by many of our teams to restructure towards sustainability, while prioritising care for clients, residents and patients.
We should be in no doubt that passion for and investment in our Mission has never been greater. We’ve continued to grow and progress our Next Chapter Ambition to set the global standard for relationship-based care and increase our care for those that others can’t or won’t.
Looking forward, I believe our focus on quality care, working together, continually improving and meeting complex needs, has positioned us strongly for the future.
Mike Baird AO
Chief Executive Officer, HammondCare

Year at a glance

35,594 cared for
5,321 dedicated staff

750 volunteers

91 service locations

1,249 supporters

$43.6m social dividend
Next Chapter progress
Saying yes to complex care
We are determined to be especially available to those who have nowhere else to turn. This often requires developing unique expertise, or finding ways to fund care where it might otherwise be inaccessible. Such as providing home care support for older people with complex needs in regional and remote areas to allow them to stay at home, reinforced through commitments like opening a Lismore office.
Quality of care, quality of life
Our multidisciplinary palliative care in hospitals and homes is tailored for people with life-limiting illness in their last days, where highly skilled practitioners manage end-of-life symptoms to help provide quality of life to the last breath. In 2023 we launched the Last Days program, providing practical training in navigating death and dying for individuals caring for someone nearing end of life.
Setting the standard
Overlaid across all our services is our ambition to set the global standard of relationship-based care. Our cottage model of care, which began in 1995, helps empowered care-worker teams to support the same residents in a small household environment. Once considered outliers for our approach, it has since been backed by the Royal Commission and now in 2023 is Australian Government's preferred aged-care design model.
Our stories
Feeling just like home for team members too
When Specialist Dementia Carer Roshni couldn’t visit her family in Nepal due to lockdown restrictions, she sought solace in the care she provides for residents.
Continuing to care while flood waters kept rising
Team member Gabriel was concerned about his clients and their safety as he hung onto the gutter of his home, waiting to be rescued. When an SES boat arrived, Gabriel requested they take their neighbours first.
A model train brings back happy memories
As part of the Dementia Engagement Modelling Program delivered by Dementia Support Australia, consultant Kathleen approached the Sunshine Coast Model Railway Men’s Club to create a model railway of Nambour.
Our stories
Rediscovering a passion: Kay's return to office life
Kay, who lives with dementia, loves chatting with the HammondCare Miranda team and other residents and keeping busy. But one day, Specialised Dementia Carer Nicole noticed that Kay appeared increasingly agitated and anxious. So, she tried something new.
When care means learning how to ‘bring back the joy’
After losing her husband of 68 years, Maureen moved to live with her son in Brisbane. The challenge now was to meet people in a new city, which wasn’t easy until care worker Margot decided it was time to ‘bring back the joy’ for this very active 89-year-old.
An unlikely companion helps keep couple at home
Dementia Support Australia's (DSA) Staying at Home program was a beacon of hope for husband and wife Chris and Suzie, providing simple, practical advice on how to support a loved one with dementia to continue living at home for as long as possible.
Building a better future with dementia design schools
Australia’s aged care sector is on the cusp of a new era of design. The days of institutional settings – with confusing, identical corridors and vast chair-lined rooms – are officially over. And The Dementia Centre has played a pivotal role in informing and shaping design knowledge.
Margaret’s dream fulfilled: living life to the end
When Margaret received her cancer diagnosis, her first response was: ‘I’ve still got so much to do. I have to see The Tina Turner Musical.’ Thanks to HammondCare Foundation’s Dreams Project, Margaret got to see the show, supported by palliative care nurse Trish.
Sharing the sweet gift of joy
Retired carpenter Wayne and psychology student Olivia lead very different lives, but they share a common goal – bringing joy to others through the priceless investment of their time. And they have discovered the deep satisfaction that comes from giving back to your community.
When others can't or won't, HammondCare is there
FY23 in numbers
Residential Care
With care homes across NSW, Victoria and coming soon to South Australia, we believe in creating a sense of belonging and of being at home, with a particular focus on dementia-specific care.
2,781 people cared for
19 care homes
12 locations
2,341 dedicated staff
HammondCare At Home
We offer home care in NSW, ACT, Victoria and Queensland. Our services enable clients to continue enjoying life in the comfort of their own homes, thanks to support from a consistent team of trained care workers.
9,940 people cared for
656,614 home care visits
36 locations
1,677 dedicated staff
The Dementia Centre
The Dementia Centre was founded by HammondCare in 1995 as an impartial resource and provider of research and expertise to the aged and dementia care community, connecting people in the field of dementia around the globe.
19,278 cared for by DC & DSA
31 locations
313 dedicated staff
372,848 service activities
HammondCare Health
Our health services provide palliative and supportive care, rehabilitation, mental health care for older people, pain management and other vital support services.
3,595 people cared for in hospital
5,554 people supported in rehab and palliative care
50,568 bed days
609 dedicated staff
39,765 community and outpatient occasions of care
15,545 positive ageing visits by allied health
In 1932 HammondCare began supporting homeless people.
Now, Darlinghurst is our latest response to this pressing need.
17,000 older Australians experiencing homelessness
160+ older people supported at Darlinghurst since opening in 2020
100% residents who report improved health
$32,000 community savings per resident, per year
Our research
In research, our commitment to the Model of Care continues to shape the sector in complex dementia, palliative and end-of-life care, and positive ageing. Our dedication to innovation led to new insights improving care practices.
56 research projects
70 publications
13 education and awards
7 new grants in 2022
From horror show to the best of homes
An inner-city boarding house was home to Kenny, 82, and his cat Willow for 12 years, until a change of management turned the once bearable and affordable accommodation into a ‘horror show’ that was increasingly dangerous.
Unable to support himself and at risk of being homeless, a referral to HammondCare Darlinghurst turned his world around.
‘The staff here have been so nice to me. They said you can bring your cat with you, and so Willow turned up, and she’s as good as gold.'
This relationship-based, trauma-informed care sets Darlinghurst apart – freedom, flexibility and independence complement high levels of complex care, delivered within a stable, comfortable and safe permanent home.
Residential Manager Chantel says high levels of care result in great health outcomes as well. ‘Residents put on weight when they come here and they attend medical appointments they would not have got to otherwise. ‘
Research has confirmed a significant improvement in residents’ wellbeing and quality of life and a significant reduction in PTSD.
We’re now in the early stages of planning for a second home for older people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Pastoral care
Caring when others won’t
Pastoral Care Manager Joanne showed what it is to live our Mission in Action, making sure Lily*, without family support, wouldn’t die alone.
Joanne welcomed Lily into the HammondCare family, finding out about her life – her interests and passions. A favourite pastime was walking in the garden, when they would share their joy of singing hymns. ‘My job is to treat people in our care with the dignity and respect they deserve,' shares Joanne.
As Lily was nearing the end of her life, Joanne asked the care team to keep her informed: ‘I didn’t want her to die alone. When I got the phone call, I ran from the other end of the care home to be with her.
'I held her hand and said, “I’m here for you. You’re not alone.” I read out scripture passages and sang one of her favourite songs, "Jesus Loves Me".' Lily died peacefully, knowing that someone who loved her was by her side.
Steve Calder, General Manager of Pastoral Care, shares, ‘Joanne’s selfless ability to get to the spiritual heart of each person is a great example of how best-practice spiritual care brings that sense of peace for residents and their families.’
*Name has been changed on request.

Our research
Courageous end-of-life care conversations: The Advance Project
Advance care planning gives the opportunity to detail end-of-life preferences about future medical care and treatment preferences. Dementia's progressive nature means it’s important to plan ahead, yet until now resources that support this have been limited.
The Advance Project equips care professionals with training and resources to facilitate end-of-life discussions with people living with dementia. As cognition declines, these preferences guide care decisions, honouring autonomy, reducing caregiver stress and optimising access to palliative care services.
Cherry Ramos, a registered nurse in residential aged care, has found the resources invaluable in her role: ‘These resources provide the tools I need to talk with family members and advocate for residents, helping them reflect on needs and preferences for care. I feel empowered to engage in what can be quite robust discussions with families.'
‘The uptake of the training and resources has exceeded expectations. Participants have consistently reported they have improved confidence to talk about this challenging topic,’ says project lead Professor Josephine Clayton.

Our HammondCare Foundation
We connect compassionate supporters to initiatives that improve the quality of life for people with complex needs, who are hard to reach, and who would otherwise go without.
In 2022-2023, our extraordinary donors, driven by a shared commitment to care for people whom others can't or won't, raised a remarkable $2,171,844.
This support is the heartbeat of our vision; expanding care programs, conducting groundbreaking research, and fortifying services for those who need it most. Every dollar raised is a catalyst for positive change, allowing HammondCare to provide unparalleled care and support to those in the depths of challenging circumstances.
We are so proud of how our community continues to build on a legacy of compassion, resilience and hope.

Social dividend
Best care for the deepest needs embedded in all we do
Despite a challenging financial context, our social dividend has grown by more than eight per cent, from $40.1m in FY22. It’s a sign that our commitment to provide ‘best care’ is not optional, it’s a part of who we are, embedded in all we do. Mission-led, compassion-fuelled and person-focused – that’s our social dividend.
Residential care
44.1% of residents are financially disadvantaged

Residential care
$3.9m contributed by HammondCare to support financially disadvantaged residents

Home care
$15.6m in additional hours, extra case management and discounts on fees

$2.7m in additional health services to patients without charge

$564,000 additional costs caring for older people experiencing homelessness

Residential care
$14m savings to the health and aged care system from our cottage model of care

$1.3m towards vital ongoing dementia, health and aged care research

Pastoral care
$3.5m in pastoral care services for clients and staff

$1.1m investment in volunteer services

Financials FY22
Total revenue grew by 8.5% to $436.7m.
Financials FY23
Total revenue grew 11% to $477m
Residential Care
HammondCare At Home
Our frontline
It’s our frontline teams that personally bring the best care for the deepest needs. And it’s not just because it’s their job.
Our focus in finding the ‘best people’ is to look for alignment to our Mission, and then we work hard to make sure they are ‘highly valued’ through training, scholarships, benefits and recognition.
We celebrate our frontline teams, and everyone who supports them. They are the driving force behind our success and the reason we continue to make a difference.

Our Frontline
The face of care in nearly three years of pandemic is the face of our frontline, sweating behind PPE, turning up their sleeves again and again, especially when there was no one else. Alongside them are people in enabling teams who’ve swapped their desks to hold hands with residents, clients and patients, or go the extra mile in support of the care we provide.
Today, our frontline aged, dementia and healthcare teams show us what purposeful work and a life lived well look like. We need them like never before – and we need you, if you’re ready to make a difference.

Download the Annual Report 2023
Our passion is improving quality of life for people in need and as a team we’ve held tight to this sacred Mission, finding purpose in our roles, putting others first. To learn more, view the full report.

The HammondCare Story
Alongside our Annual Report, this short film is essential viewing as it shares the voices of the people we care for and the people who care for them.